The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London
The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries lies at the heart of the early foundations of modern-day medicine and remains an important, active and innovative medical institution today. The Society plays a key role in the advancement of specialist areas of medicine, and in the ongoing post-graduate education and qualification of practitioners.
Steeped in history and tradition, the Society was founded by Royal Charter in 1617 and is one of the few livery companies in the City of London to remain professionally based with over 85 per cent of its membership belonging to professions allied to medicine.

Interview: Anna Simmons, History of Medicine Course Director by Matt Scudder
Course Insights – Dr Anna Simmons The course provides a substantial introduction to the history of medicine from ancient times until the present. AcrossThey can engage in lively discussions, explore major London medical museums, and network with likeminded individuals, fostering both social and intellectual connections. Our aim for the course is that participants are equipped […]