Agenda - Friday 1st December 2017
1. The risk environment and the ethics of prescribing heroin for addict maintenance (paper to come round)
2. Teaching ethics to medical students (and other undergraduate clinicians)
3. Postgraduate medical ethics education
4. Moral Santa: the ethics of clinical commissioning
Agenda - Saturday 13th May 2017
- Martyn Thomas, Is Rational Suicide Possible and if so is it Ethical?
- Frances Lee, What are the ethics of gender dysphoria?
- Tara Latimer and Joseph Roscamp, Update (if available) on Consumerism and Patient Centredness
- Chair’s challenge: can you prove that good practitioner ethics leads to patient benefit? If so how?
- AOB (Further discussions in Harry’s Bar)
Agenda - Friday 11th November 2016
- Introductions and recap
- Person-centred care and consumerism
- The ethics of face transplants
Coffee and tea
- A case of exported medical research
- orientations for ethics education
- Next meeting date
Minutes from the meeting
Agenda for Friday 12th February 2016
1. Carwyn Hooper: What is global ethics and how can it apply to what we do?
2. Fellows' work: Fellows are invited to discuss their on-going projects relating to philosophy and ethics please consider putting together a 5-10 minute maximum 'elevator pitch' of your work (what it is and why it is relevant etc)
Brief break
3. Andrew Papanikitas: Postgraduate ethics education (discussion). What changes for the healthcare worker in practice and ought education to reflect this?
4. Group discussion: "Area ethics." Medical ethics is sometimes focussed on an area of care practice such as surgery, nursing, psychoanalysis, general practice. Some specialities claim that their context of practice creates a unique combination of issues. Others claim that their ethics can derive from their professional philosophy (Nursing, GP). Furthermore healthcare workers increasingly work in multi and interdisciplinary teams which may have different goals and underlying philosophies. Is ethical inter-disciplinarity a strength or weakness, opportunity or threat? if you can, please read "What should other healthcare professions learn from nursing ethics" by Soren Holm Nursing philosophy 2006; 7 (3): 165 -174
November 2015
Minutes from the meeting with Dr Andrew Papanikitas - 6th November 2015
Presentations of 15 mins and 10 mins Discussion
Brigadier Wulf Forsythe-Yorke – Research on Drugs of Abuse
Benedict Hayhoe & Jacqueline Morris – Ethics of Elderly Care
Dr Anthony Fry - Paternalism and Factitious Disorder – Medical treatment in illness deception
Dr Richard Sherry – Deep Space
June 2015
Minutes from the meeting with Dr Andrew Papanikitas - 12th-June-2015- Minutes
October 2014
Minutes from the meeting with Dr Carwyn Hooper and Dr Papanikitas - Seminar-notes-fo-Philosophy-Markets-discussion-10-10-14
June 2014
As always, I am hoping that we will be able to have a mixture of Fellows presenting work in progress and a debate around a current hot topic. Please do let me know if there's anything you'd like to present.
For the hot topic -- I think that either (a) ethical issues in charging for GP appointments or (b) the ethical issues raised by might work well. Do let me know which would be most interesting (or feel free to suggest a different hot topic).
For background on charging to see a GP, see e.g.
For background on see e.g. and
(For those who are interested, I attach a forthcoming brief article I wrote on, which will be coming out on the Discover Society website in a week or so.).
October 2013
Topics discussed:
1. What Factors lead Pharmacists to be Sanctioned by the General Pharmaceutical Council (Ian)
2. The ethical implications of restricting access to healthcare for migrants
Last time we didn't have time for Ian's presentation on factors that lead to pharmacists being sanctioned by the General Pharmaceutical Council -- so I think this would be an initial suggestion for this time.
In the past, we've also had a general topical discussion question - again suggestions would be welcome. One idea might be the ethical implications of restricting access to healthcare for migrants -- see e.g. the recent government consultation
May 2013
I think we can best group everyone's suggestions around the theme of
Being a Healthcare Professional and Being a Patient. Unfortunately this doesn't give a big role for Ian's suggestion on pharmacists who've been sanctioned by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, which we can hold over till next time. (Perhaps professionalism could be a good theme for next time).
First hour: being a doctor
1. Frances Lee has offered to present her thoughts about what it means to be a doctor in this time and place. We could begin with this, and then move onto David Misselbrook's paper -- which explores virtue ethics, and how it can be a superior guide to ethical choices than other approaches. I think that this discussion will take up the first hour.
Second hour: being a patient
The second hour will focus on two aspects of patient experience: the value of patient choice (Maggie), and the experience of illness (Sue Snoxall). Sue suggested Havi Carel's book on 'Illness, the cry of the flesh' and her use of phenomenology to enable patients to express their experience of illness -- which I think would be a good counterpoint to questions about the value of choice.
Reading Suggestion: for the part on the patient's experience of illness, this article by Havi Carel is good: