Diploma in Genitourinary Medicine


Established 1973

In 1973 The Court of the Society instituted an examination leading to the award of a Diploma in Venereology. This Diploma, now known as the Diploma in Genitourinary Medicine, covers sexually transmitted infections and related conditions and is open to registered medical practitioners who have worked in a Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Venereology or Sexual Health, or who have other relevant experience.

The Diploma of GUM is blueprinted to the Genito-urinary Medicine (GUM) curriculum 2022, available on the JRCPTB website (include link). For ease of reference, Appendix A, at the end of the Guide to the Diploma document, details the GUM Syllabus from the 2022 curriculum, parts of which the Dip GUM is examining. The critical progression point (CPP) for passing the Dip GUM on the 2016 curriculum is at the end of year 2 (ST4) for a higher specialist trainee (HST) in GUM. However, for the 2022 curriculum it is at the end of year 3 (ST6). Setting their CPP a year later means that HSTs on the 2022 curriculum are not disadvantaged by needing to take time out of GUM training to focus on internal medicine attachments. However, in order to examine knowledge equitably between the 2016 and 2022 curricula, the examination standard set by the Dip GUM is at the level of a competent HST at the end of year 2 of their training i.e. (ST4 on the 2016 and ST5 on the 2022 curriculum). Those applicants who are not at that level may lack some of the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to pass the examination. Experience should be current so that candidates are fully aware of any recent developments.

The curriculum and supporting documents including the "ARCP Decision Aid" are available on the JRCPTB web site at


A modular course run by the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) provides useful revision.

DGUM Examination Dates 2024:

OSCE - Tuesday 21 May 2024 and/or Wednesday 22 May 2024


BO5 (Online) - Thursday 11 July 2024

Applications for entry to the 2024 DGUM OSCE are now closed. BO5 entries remain open until 20th June 2024.

To book your place on the examination, please select the Academic Shop above, click  into the exams area, choose the DTM&H payment option, select the exam entry you require. On checkout, you will be asked to create an account and finish payment. You will then be directed to our online platform Brightspace to complete your application. Click here to book your exam.

You will notice some changes: -

You may enter or re-enter either part of the exam singularly.

A "pass" result for a single part of the exam may now be retained, and re-entry to only undertake the remaining part is permitted within a period of 2 years of the prior "pass" result. (see para 9 in the Guide to the DipGUM exam).


DGUM Examination Dates 2024:

OSCE - Tuesday 21 May 2024 and/or Wednesday 22 May 2024


BO5 (Online) - Thursday 11 July 2024

Request for special examination arrangements: Form Q

Click here to book your exam.

Academic Policies for Candidates


Examination-Review-and-Appeal-Procedure  The Society's Review and Appeal Procedure gives information about feedback, review and appeal. Candidates who seek a review or appeal should note that there is a fee payable, the amount of which is given the the relevant Guide to the Diploma, including the Regulations and Curriculum.

Candidate Code of Conduct

Candidate Misconduct Policy

Candidate Plagiarism Policy

Information on how to complete the Best of 5 'BO5' paper

GU Sample questions - BO5 and OSCE

DGUM Examiners 2024

Pass Lists

Useful links